Learn how to leverage user experience and user interface.

User Experience and User Interface are two concepts that often get used interchangeably. While they certainly are connected, they are still different notions. As a marketer or businessperson, you need to fully understand how to capitalize on these concepts as they have the power to launch your enterprise to success.

The key differences between the two.

User Experience refers to the experience customers have when they engage with your product or service. This is a very broad concept, including everything from a website that advertises the product, right through to the point-of-sale mechanics and how the actual product works.

Essentially, this feature is characterized by how much effort your customers experience when using your product or service. Ideally, their experience should be so smooth, simple, and streamlined that if you were to ask them what it was like, they’d say, “What do you mean?” It should be so easy that they don’t even notice there’s something to comment on.


User Interface is a facet of the User Experience, but it’s a narrower concept referring only to the visual components or graphic elements of the User Experience, i.e. the website design, the buttons, graphics, color palettes, widgets, etc.

The differences can be summarized as follows.

·        UX concerns itself with the performance of the app, which is how it works to achieve a specific outcome, while UI focuses on how customers experience the actual interface, working on the look and feel.

·        UX designers will focus on discovering the needs of their target audience before designing the app. UI designers focus on ways to encourage engagement via visual elements, using up-and-coming graphics, designs, and vectors to draw their audience into interacting with the product.

·        UX designers are preoccupied with solutions to customers’ problems, while UI designers make sure that the solution is visually appealing and engaging to customers.

·        UX design is done first, followed by UI. The UX designer will create a roadmap that sets out the customer’s journey in using the product or service, and the UI designer will flesh out this journey with engaging visual components.

·        UX design is applicable to all services, products, or experiences, while UI design is specifically applied to digital products.

The key interactions between the two.

UX and UI design work hand-in-hand to create a successful product or service. To illustrate this, simply consider what it would be like if you had one without the other. A great UX design without an engaging UI design will mean that customers won’t interact with your product even if it works really well. And an amazing UI design with a clumsy and confusing UX will mean that customers are encouraged to interact with your product, but will struggle to use it, which means they won’t come back.


Now you can see that holding back on either your UX or UI can spell disaster for your brand. We specialize in designing UX and UI for companies to guarantee that customers will fall in love with your products and services.


Why not give us a call and find out how we can help your business?